The exercise of this theme was choose a house and redraw it in Autocad. Some instructions was given in the class to help us. But like all the softwares the best way of learn is practicing.
To support we have pdfs with the plans and seccions of the house.
To start the draw I firt open a base file. How in my work in Brazil I use the Autocad I have a file caller standard base with the layer I use and ctb (file that allows you to print the draw with thickness predetermined for color-lines). When the file opened I import the pdf file of the plan and starts to draw based on the picture.
Gradually I was drawing and put in the layers.
After finish the basic plan I start to put blocks. The blocks I imported from a personal librery or drawed and made a new block.
After finish all draws, plans and facades, put the dimensions line. The basic ones.
Fineshed the draw and the layout time to print. This is the part wherea choose the pen file (CTB), the sizer of the paper and extension I will print(pdf, jpg, etc).
The final draw printed.
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