quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014


       This blog is part of the assessment of Digital Tools' at San Jorge University in Zaragoza.

       Although we are in November, which is a little late, I'll go updating the blog briefly counting the first weeks in Zaragoza until now.

       I arrived to Zaragoza a exactly 3 months. I flew from Recife (Brazil) to Madrid making connection in Lisbon . When I arrived in Madri I discovered that my bag had been lost, so a came to Zaragoza only with my handbags. When I arrived, the first steps was find a place to live and roomates. Is not easy as it looks like. The firsts days I met some Brazilians who had already arrived and I got to know the city. Two days later I got to Zaragoza my bag arrived.

        After this messy week the activities  at the San Jorge University starts. The Welcome section began on September 3.

San Jorge University

WEEK ZERO (Semana Cero)

       The Week Zero was a workshop to integrate the students of differents years and the intenacional students. The workshop happened at the Aragon School of Architcts in the Historical Center of Zaragoza with the participation of some professors of the University and importants architects invited. The theme of the Internacional Urban Workshop was "The city as a Manifesto". In all week we worked in groups with the proposal to think the city of Zaragoza  from an point of view of a manifest. 

       My group get the Futurist Manifesto of Marinetti. The objective was choose a neighborhood that represents the manifest and prepair a text, a panel and a video with the reflexions and conclusions of this relation. We choosed the Delicias Station for represent the new, the velocity, the ariived and departures, this moviment of people, cars, autobuses, trains, etc.


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